
Guangzhou-Zhuhai Intercity Railway
Source:鐵四院新聞網(wǎng)  Time:2010-03-25  Clicks:   
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Guangzhou-Zhuhai Intercity Railway designed by SIYUAN is 144km long in total, open to traffic on January 7, 2011. As the first intercity railway in one of the china’s most developed city group —— the Pearl Delta city circle, Guangzhou-Zhuhai Intercity Railway ended the history of no railway in the west bank of Pearl River.

The 144km long Guangzhou-Zhuhai Intercity Railway is densely distributed with 22 stations which are set up in almost all large towns along the line, forming a golden chain for the township redevelopment, land reuse, and resource redistribution for important towns and cities in the Pearl Delta.

Guangzhou-Zhuhai Intercity Railway is the first inter-city railway surveyed and designed by SIYUAN. Since the “path-finding” design work started in 2003, SIYUAN engineers, by carrying out multiple researches, had set up special technical standards different from thos of high speed railways and subways, accumulating valuable experiences for standard formulating of several other inter-city railways in the Pearl Delta after that.

In order to save land use and reduce partitions of cities, bridges of novel structures and complicated technologies were widely used along Guangzhou-Zhuhai Intercity Railway, accounting for 94% of the total length. Comprehensive considerations were giving to multiple elements including functions, force analysis, landscapes, economy, maintenance, etc.. For example, light design live load was adopted for the first time in China, to reduce the bridge weight and pier width; to satisfy the first-level navigation needs of Xiaolan Waterway and Xijiang River crossed by the railway, the largest span was adopted among the same bridge type for high speed railways both home and abroad by bridge experts during the design of Xiaolan Waterway Bridge and Xijiang River Bridge, providing a new thought for the development of large-span bridge structures.

Guangzhou-Zhuhai Intercity Railway will be the start end of the Pearl River Delta Intercity Railway network. According to proposed by SIYUAN, between 2009~2020, 15 intercity rails will be constructed in the Pearl River Delta, including Guangzhou-Zhuhai, Guangzhou-Foshan, Guangzhou- Dongguan, Dongguan -Huizhou, etc., with a total mileage of 1,478km. At present, another 3 intercity railways have been under construction, namely the Guangzhou-Dongguan- Shenzhen Intercity, Dongguan-Huizhou Intercity and Foshan-Zhaoqing Intercity.

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