
Southeast Coastal High Speed Railway
  Time:2012-05-29  Clicks:   
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The Southeast Coastal High Speed Railway designed by SIYUAN is a high speed railway constructed on coastal soft soil foundations, with a max. running speed of 250km/h. Of it, the high speed railway section Ningbo-Taizhou-Wenzhou, 275km long, was open to traffic on September 28, 2009, with a train running time of 1 hour 13 minutes; the high speed railway section Wenzhou-Fuzhou, 294km in length, was put into operation on September 28, 2009, with a train running time of 1 hour 26 minutes.

The challenges in the design of the Southeast Coastal High Speed Railway lie in: the 250km/h mixed passenger-freight traffic design, allowance for further development, and difficult research on key technologies. Due to wide distribution of soft soil along the railway corridor, work for deep or thick soft soil treatment is of large quantities. With abundant water systems and advanced transportation, there’re many crossings of the railway with rivers and highways, and bridges are frequently applied. The scarcity of land resources along the railway line poses a high requirement on land resources saving. The developed economy and dense population demands strict environmental protection measures. Located in the areas with frequent typhoons and rainstorms, it requires higher safety measures for disaster prevention of infrastructures and operation equipment.

The above mentioned challenges and high requirements are the difficult conditions of the railway, which requires the dedication and wisdom of SIYUAN engineers. Through a series of innovations on the design of subgrade, bridges, tunnel, and trackworks, etc., great achievements have been made in solutions of marine soft soil foundation settlement and typhoon disaster prevention, etc. for the Southeast Coastal Railway:

Fast & Convenient —— EMUs runs speedily between the section Ningbo- Taizhou- Wenzhou and the section Wenzhou-Fuzhou, with the time from Ningbo to Fuzhou shortened to 3 hours instead of over 20 hours previously;

Modern & Elegant —— with the full-scenic design for the rail track, vehicles, and station platform, as well as the fully intelligent management system, it’s accredited as “a showcase for ballasted passenger dedicated railways in South China”;

With EMUs of average speed of 250km/h running through coastal cities like Ningbo, Taizhou, Wenzhou and Fuzhou, etc., the scenic views make passengers forget the exhausts due to the long trip; therefore the people in Fujian and Zhejiang provinces call it “the most beautiful provincial railway line”.


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